Buddha Birth Day Festival 2011

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Once again a thoroughly enjoyable Buddha Birth Day Festival, here’s some interesting information from the official website:

Since 1997 the Buddha Birth Day Festival has grown into one of Queensland’s most prestigious cultural events attracting in excess of 150,000 visitors and is now recognized as the largest annual Buddhist Birth Day Festival in the world. This year the Buddha Birth Day Festival is proud to be celebrating its 15th anniversary at The Parklands at Southbank.

The first one I went to was in 2006. Even though its very similar to last year I would still like to go every year because its a very nice atmosphere.

I like the iconic Red Lanterns that are all over Southbank during the festival.

At the Suncorp Piazza there’s a big area for various ceremonies. You can bathe the buddha there.
From Bathing Buddha Procedure

This ritual is to improve harmony & inner balance:

  1. Please kneel on cushion
  2. Fill ladle & pour water over small Buddha statue 3 times
  3. While pouring water, say:* 1st wash: “May I eliminate all evil thoughts”
    * 2nd wash: “May I cultivate good deeds”
    * 3rd wash: “May I help save all living beings”


I also recorded a short video called Lion Dance – Buddhas Birthday 2011.

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